13 Surprising Scientific Facts About The Great Barrier Reef

13 Surprising Scientific Facts About The Great Barrier Reef

To save the coral species in the Great Barrier Reef, scientists are collecting their sperm samples and putting them in a bank. Here’s the full story, plus 12 others:

The Great Barrier Reef is about the same size as, say, Japan, Germany, or Italy. PENGDAND Amsterdam DES Birmingham ondon BELGIUM to amptong E Brussels Bonn Channel Danut English tux'bg. Mug rbourg Parisa Strasbourg LIECHPS BarnO Loire SWIT/ Million ADRIATIC FRANCE Nantes GenevoO Mt: a r OF Lyon MONACOO> Its area is almost 133,0 square miles, which makes it half the size of Texas. It's about as long as the U.S. west coast from Vancouver to Mexico. NOW YOU KNOW CRACKED.COM

Source: GBRMPA

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